Word Press Weekly Photo Challenge: Temporary

Yesterday, we saw a bald eagle feasting on a carcass in the coulee (valley with only one way in or out). Although he stayed most of the afternoon, we knew his visit was temporary. It had been two years since we noticed any bald eagles near the dry creek bed adjacent to our home.  It was a temporary visit, brought forth I am sure by the eagle spying the dead animal on the ground.  In the same vein, the animal’s body he was feasting on had succumbed to a temporary life – just as we all do.

Bald eagles are majestic, as so many of my Facebook friends have said. Fortunately, their fate has become more enduring than temporary, as they faced extinction during the earlier years of my life. My husband and I commented on how we would never have expected to have a bald eagle literally fly through our back yard when we were growing up in New York State.

Much of my afternoon was spent watching and photographing this beautiful bird, the symbol of our country.  It was a temporary interruption to my planned schedule for the day. But, one well worth it. Enjoy some shots of my Temporary Visitor, the Bald Eagle.








6 thoughts

    1. Thank you so much! I wish they were “crisper”. He was in a valley behind our house and even with using a 600mm telephoto lens, I could not get really clear shots. Then, I spooked him when I tried to get closer. He was back today with his mate. Exciting to see! Thanks for the comment!

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