The View Out My Window

Gray – Grey.

The sky is grey today.

Heavy, Opaque, Still.

A glimmer of peach at the horizon

can be seen if you look for it.

It says there is more light somewhere, today.


Tiny white ice crystals knocked on my window

and fell to the deck below, covering it with a speckled veil

of whiteness. It you look closely, you can see there is an icy

mist falling, ever so quietly now. Barely noticeable.  Raining icy crystals

coming down straight now so as not to hit the window, make noise, and alert me

to their presence unless I look for them in the still gray air.


A train blows its whistle in the distance, alerting towns to

its passing. Loud bursts cut through the still winter morning air.

A constant din of movement, almost white noise in quality,

becoming less and less, as the train moves past our communities.

It is gone now. Until a train travels past again. Somehow it is comforting

to hear the train.


Two large maple trees with gnarly crowns stand guard in the yard.

Void of any color but brown. Waiting. Waiting for longer, warmer, sunnier days.

Brown knobs I know really to be buds are waiting for spring.

The leafing out will come, turning my world green, and blotting out the drab.


Yes. I see the lightness of peach on the horizon.



I am participating in the Slice of Life Challenge hosted by TwoWritingTeachers.  Thank you for sponsoring a wonderful community of writers!

6 thoughts

  1. Beautiful poetry … thanks for helping me visualize what you’re experiencing. Ironically, the skies here are pure blue, the sun is shining and there’s a light breeze. Sometimes our worlds seem so small, because my sky is blue I imagine everyone’s sky being blue. Wishing blue skies come your way soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your poem made me appreciate the sunshine and green along with the yellows and whites of the soon to be flowering trees. Even though it’s windy and chilly, the sun makes all the difference. Hoping the sun will soon be shining in through your window.

    Liked by 1 person

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